TMPL_32004_Font.txt Size:: 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) unused: boolean extend: boolean condense: boolean shadow: boolean outline: boolean underline: boolean italic: boolean bold: boolean unused: 1-byte integer (char) ID:: 2-byte integer (hex) Ascent:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Descent:: 2-byte integer (decimal) WidMax:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Leading:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Name:: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_32003_XPar.txt Version:: 2-byte integer (decimal) # of params:: list (2-byte one-based item count) Value:: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) TMPL_32002_STRm.txt NumStrings: list (2-byte one-based item count) The value: 2-byte integer (decimal) The string: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) TMPL_32001_∂Lps.txt NumStrings: list (2-byte one-based item count) The string: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_1001_Font.txt Size:: 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) unused: boolean extend: boolean condense: boolean shadow: boolean outline: boolean underline: boolean italic: boolean bold: boolean unused: 1-byte integer (char) ID:: 2-byte integer (hex) Ascent:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Descent:: 2-byte integer (decimal) WidMax:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Leading:: 2-byte integer (decimal) Name:: pstring (1-byte length)